Make your sales process your friend.

With 15 years of coworking operator experience ourselves, we know it’s hard to find the right system—let alone set it up and maintain it.

One of our biggest pain points as operators ourselves was crafting a sales process and CRM that was impactful on our operations, and didn’t just create more work. Through substantial trial and error, we’ve recognized the patterns these systems can take to best optimize your process. From collecting potential member information, getting them in the door, to helping them stick around, we’ve designed, re-designed, and developed over a dozen CRM instances and counting.

We want to help you optimize your processes and systems, whatever that may mean for you right now.

With the starting package options available below, we’ll meet you where you are. Exploratory calls are our typical launch points, where we go through your current system from start to finish, identify any key problems or gaps, and suggest solutions that make your process easier.

That answer could also be… nothing! What a great problem to havethere is no cost if there aren’t recommendations that we can give. The conversation can either start or end there. With shorter monthly maintenance packages for simple changes, all the way up to a full remote system administrator, we’re ready to plug in where you need us.

So what are we good at?

We’re experts when it comes to developing coworking sales and operations systems, and the workflows they require. We’ll get your tours scheduled, collect key information, design and execute drip campaigns, draft agreements or build their templates, and build or refine your member management systems. Hubspot, Salesforce, ActiveCampaign, Occupie, and YardiKube are what we’re most familiar with, and we’ll do the best we can with everything else.

Pricing Package Options

Assessment & Strategy Call

Over the course of an hour, we’ll run through your full current sales system and discuss any potential changes that would be worth making. From form collection all the way up to signature and onboarding we’ll do a deep dive to uncover any gaps or improvements that can be made.

$250 per call

Ongoing Support & Maintenance

Starting with an allocation of 3 task hours per month, we can assist with making relevant changes to your system over time. We can step in and adjust or maintain your current system, or make any urgent changes that might be needed to make sure your system is running smoothly.

Starting at $525 per month

CRM Design & Implementation

Includes 10 hours of pipeline design, process evaluation, and optimization. Using our findings from an Assessment Call, we’ll work to develop your new or existing CRM to implement defined changes in your lead flow. With a full audit of your existing lead pipelines, we’ll design and implement your sales process from start to finish.

Starting at $1,750

Remote System Administrator

Includes 30 hours per month of maintenance and support. We’ll assist with the setup, design, and implementation of all CRM functions, including automations and workflows to manage your leads, drip campaigns to nurture those leads, pipeline progression development, and reporting setups, and training for your sales teams on the process.

Starting at $5,000 per month

Supported platforms: Hubspot, Salesforce, ActiveCampaign, Occupie, YardiKube. We know what we’re good at, and we won’t waste your time or resources if we don’t feel like we’re a good fit for the project. Pricing does not include the cost of CRM or any other platforms that might be needed for functionality. Overtime support available starting at $150 per hour. Cost for assessment calls are refunded if we don’t have recommendations.

We’d love to connect.

Please use the form below to get in touch with us! If you’re ready to schedule a time to talk with us directly, the direct link here has a calendar with our team’s availability.